Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Board Agendas and Minutes from August 18, 2020 forward may be found by clicking here
Board Agenda and Minutes from August 8, 2017 through. August 1, 2020 may be found by clicking here
Please contact Lupe Ruiz for Board Agenda and Minutes prior to September 2017.
Board Meetings
With a few exceptions due to school holiday breaks, board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 5:30pm. Board Meetings will be held in the Luther Burbank School Library (4 Wabash Avenue, San Jose, CA 95128).
Agendas are posted 72 hours before a regular board meeting on line and posted in the windows of the school and District office.
Calendar and Agendas
Board Agendas Dates, times, and locations may change. Final meeting information can be found on the meeting agenda 72 hours before the meeting.
Once approved by the Board at a subsequent meeting, minutes of a meeting are incorporated into the agenda for that meeting.
Board Meeting Dates Fall 2023:
August 15 , September 19, October 17 November 14, December 12
Board Meeting Dates Spring 2024 (Tentative)
January 16, February 20, March 19, April 16, May 21, June 11, June 18
Public Participation
Members of the public are encouraged to attend board meetings and to address the board concerning any item on the agenda or within the board's jurisdiction. So as not to inhibit public participation, persons attending board meetings shall not be requested to sign in, complete a questionnaire, or otherwise provide their name or other information as a condition of attending the meeting.
In order to conduct district business in an orderly and efficient manner, the board requires that public presentations to the board comply with the following procedures: